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What are funeral wishes?

Funeral wishes indicate your wishes for your funeral arrangements.
You can say if you would like your body to be cremated or buried and where you would like to be buried or have your ashes scattered.
You can also indicate a preference for hymns at your funeral, donations to your chosen charity in lieu of flowers etc.

Are funeral wishes legally binding?

No, funeral wishes are not legally binding.
They are merely an indication of your wishes.

What are examples of the wording of funeral wishes?

I Desire that ...
  • "the hymn Bread of Heaven be sung at my funeral"
  • "my body or any part thereof as is suitable shall be used for such therapeutic purposes or for the purposes of medical education or research"
  • "donations be made to the RFDS in lieu of funeral flowers"
Use 'and' to include several wishes:
E.g. I Desire that ...
"the hymn Bread of Heaven be sung at my funeral and my body or any part thereof as is suitable shall be used for such therapeutic purposes or for the purposes of medical education or research and donations be made to the RFDS in lieu of funeral flowers"

What are examples of the wording of ashes disposal wishes?

I would like my ashes ...
  • "scattered in the sea at Byron Bay"
  • "interred with my wife's ashes at Byron Bay cemetary"
  • "kept with my wife's ashes"
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