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What do you mean by 'my data'

On the 'Make My Will' page, you must enter your details and the details of your executors, beneficiaries etc. This is your data.

Is my data secure?

Your data is very secure when making your will with Wills For Free.
As you enter the details for you will, it is encrypted and stored in the internet browser on your computer.
When your will is complete, the encrypted data is sent to our webserver over https using SSL(TLS) encryption, so essentially it is double-encrypted in transit.
Our webserver will build the pdf of your will and send it to you as an email attachment.

Should I be concerned about my data being stolen from your database?

Wills For Free does not store or retain any of your data.
Our innovative data model does not employ databases, therefore completely eliminating the risk of a database data breach.
Other wills websites will store your data in a database on their server, which, of course, can expose you in the event of a data breach.
We are never in possession of your data. There is no risk of theft of stored data with Wills For Free.

How is my data stored?

As mentioned above, as you are entering your data, it is initially encrypted and stored in your web browser (Google Chrome, MS Edge etc.) on your computer.
When you have completed the details for your will, your encrypted data is sent to our webserver over https using SSL(TLS) encryption. It is double-encrypted in transit.
Our webserver builds the pdf of your will and sends it to you as an email attachment.
The email will also contain a long 'amend your will' website link. This link contains all of your encrypted data, so the only place your data is stored is in this email in your email inbox.
This email is automatically generated by our webserver, so we do not retain a copy in a 'sent items' email folder.
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